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Plastic and the Pelican

They say that grief can do crazy things to a sentient being. One day a pelican became so sad he actually began to talk. This is what he said:

" Last week I watched my first born quiver and convulse with unbearable pain. I watched him take his first steps with excruciating difficulty. Then I saw him wobble and fall on his side trying to vomit but nothing came out. He looked at me with an expression of desperate confusion. Why papa? The slow, involuntary, dreadful blinks tore through my sensibility and crushed my spirit permanently. After hours of wheezing and retching, his tiny, bloated body gave out. The energy behind the eyes that had only formed days before vanished without any drama. 

I sat there looking down at his corpse and wept. I cannot accurately describe the despicable pain I felt. It was as if something colder than ice shuddered through my mind and materialised itself within my bones. So great was that pain that I could not move; I did not want to move ever again. 

As I sat there the clouds travelled silently through the sky, occasionally breaking and showering me with downfalls that I hardly noticed. The sun and the moon continued their routines of pilgrimage through the changing skies and still I sat. I watched the flesh of my son disintegrate and fall away from the bones. I watched the flies circle around and feast on the carcass. I saw the wind blow the feathers away. Then I saw my son's interior. I saw the shape of the tiny skull, I smelt the rot of the brain that had perceived so little and endured so much. Yet most disturbing, I saw the stomach fall away to reveal what had poisoned him. 

His belly was full of human debris. These strange objects created from nature to outlast time. I saw little round caps and transparent containers that existed defiantly and uselessly. I had fed him those things from the same seas that had provided for innumerable generations of my ancestors. I was responsible for his death. Now I ask you, before the humans became so smart, before their short-sighted alchemy had mastered the environment, could I have been capable of such filicide? The humanisation of nature is unnatural. It takes the ancient matter of existence and transforms it into toxic elements. It is the materialisation of self-interest through the abominable mutation of organic elements that will destroy life. 

Please, it must be stopped."

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Posted on April 1, 2019, 4:29 p.m.

Thank you!!! Need more like this.

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